Dear friends, I am writing to notify the intention to reconstitute Castroreale a delegation of Civil Protection. Currently I am part of the 'Association " CB Radio Club" of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto which directors has authorized me to disclose news about all this' idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding in the town of Castroreale a section of Civil Defence Recognised by the Presidency of the Region Sicily and by the National Department www.protezionecivile.it Coordinated by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Therefore I invite you to visit our www.clubradiocb.it to see for yourself what we are dealing with and to inspire in you the minimum of interest that is primarily for the good of the City of Castroreale. Finally, I would be grateful if you answered your opinion on giving a 'initiative we intend to carry out and please spread the news to more people, or rather who you think may be interested in. With the hope to receive your feedback I embrace you warmly.
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