Monday, January 17, 2011

Make Wrestling Shoes For A Costume

Microconsulti notturni con una carta dei Tarocchi

Alfredo: The case will most likely end up in a fair and just, but not entirely according to your needs and desires, which maybe I'm a bit excessive and unilateral. Keep in mind that mine is not a clear prediction of the future, but the vision of a global trend holds true if you do not change atteggiamento .
Paolo : Qui vedo potenzialità di conflitto ,ostilità , freddezza , è meglio lasciar perdere .
Giuseppina : Grande vittoria per te , successo e molti guadagni !
Costanza : Qui mi sembra che andrà tutto molto male , è meglio che non ti fai illusioni , mi dispiace .
Carla : Solo se agirai velocemente potrai riconquistarlo .
Mario : Dovrai faticare molto , se vorrai avere qualche risultato concreto .
Alessia : Ma si , va bene , fallo pure , stai tranquilla .
Rosalba : Devi tirare fuori tutta la tua creatività ,la tua originalità ,la tua fantasia , e ne hai molta , per trasformare questo guaio in una vicenda a tuo vantaggio. Puoi farcela , ma depressions do not let go, be strong and in the end everything will go very well.
Aisha: Yes, the job has good chance of success, you could make good money.

A Message repeated for all: I do not divine the future with the Tarot, using the symbolism of the cards to sense trends, anything that is seen by me is given a fixed and inevitable, the consultant is personally responsible and its decisions must always exercise their free will. The particulars of the Tarot are like good advice or an assessment very likely, nothing more. I do not answer on the events of the third parties which have not given their consent to the consultation, I answer only to questions that directly relate to the client. Who does not respect these basic principles should not ask me anything and I will not answer me.

Roberto Minichini, astrologer, Tarot reader, geomancer and consultant in the occult (


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