Brevi novità ed indicazioni per chi mi segue su questo blog
- The blog remains for the time being of different issues, in the near future there will be a blog Astrology and only for a blog just for the occult. Maybe there will be a third dedicated specifically to the Tarot. The articles are being prepared, be patient.
- Many people write me privately and very few make comments on this blog, and I'm sorry, but I know enough to be letto da molti . Ricordatevi che non ho tempo per dare dettagliati consigli bibliografici . Inoltre ho per il momento ho sospeso la consulenza sui talismani astrologici , in quanto ho da studiare e sperimentare ancora molto in prima persona , per almeno qualche mese ancora . Probabilmente in futurò potrò fare delle lezioni di studio teorico/tecnico su questo argomento , ma non seguirò casi individuali specifici .
- Attualmente faccio solo consulti a certe condizioni precise , non mi faccio condizionare dalle molteplici pretese dei consultanti , per poter fare un consulto con me una persona deve essere compatibile con il mio modo di fare e rispettare integralmente la mia metodologia . Non faccio consulti regalati , non faccio consulti ad anonimi , non I consult with people who claim to have three or four in a consult, I always ask copy of your birth and I only see live or by telephone, not later than ninety minutes of time.
- To Francesco di Padova: I'm glad to know that I have proposed that the RSM has brought you great, great satisfaction, I am really happy for you and proud to have you as something beautiful and positive.
- For Aimed Solar (RSM) does not contact me via email, write to the Master Disciple Cyrus on his blog, and it will be answered quickly and for free. I "sewed" RSM only for consultants selected for their professionalism and motivation, and only in a live consultation. They are also available for the RLM (Lunar Revolution, or Monthly) and I've already had several successes in this field. Obviously this is a subject that I do in private with those who have agreed to the proposals I RSM. For the technical and theoretical knowledge of the principles of RSM and RLM, the best thing is to read the books of Master and Disciple Ciro follow the teachings on 'AA (Astrology Activate) on her blog.
- For those who write me messages that insult the teacher Ciro Disciple and deny the validity of his interpretation of the RS: I do not care what you think, you're madmen, forget what you do not like and dedicate yourself to something else, no one run behind. I do not like polemiche e i litigi . Personalmente fra il 2009 e il 2010 ho avuto l'occasione di studiare oltre 160 RS di consultanti a cui ho fatto delle analisi e delle previsioni , e non ho mai sbagliato una sola volta .
Roberto Minichini ( )
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