Marcegaglia "He wants to get rid of Berlusconi"
Il sottosegretario alla Difesa Guido Crosetto: "Sa benissimo lei per prima che non esistono possibilita' in questo momento di un governo che possa fare riforme radicali''. E il Giornale la chiama "la maestrina"
ROMA - "Capisco che per Emma Marcegaglia Confindustria and the time is very difficult, Marchionne has been certified by the uselessness'''. Cosi 'Guido Crosetto Undersecretary of Defense, speaking on Radio Popolare, commenting on the interview of a president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, last night at Che tempo che fa.
''Marcegaglia should say what he wants and how he wants it - continues Crosetto - say that in a few weeks you have to make reforms and 'a common refrain with which send messages to its members not to lose weight. She knows she was the first that there is no chance 'in this time of a government that can make radical reforms.''
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