Microconsulto di Tarocchi per Angela1976 di Berlino
Cara Angela1976 Berlin, I read the cards for you to answer your questions about the sphere of love. I am sorry but three out of five cards are really very negative, a neutral (tending to negative) and only one really positive. The nine of swords, ten of clubs and the five of cups are the top three cards out and they do not indicate trends of success and happiness in your current history: probably arrive at the break by June / August and you will spend a period of suffering and pain. Get your energy back and do another meeting in September / November and in a year will still remain close to this new person, even if things go forward slowly and you'll be very cautious, because you will not want to suffer for love again. Remember that these are only general trends and not decrees infallbili your destiny. If you change your current position and your current reactions, can change significantly the situation described. The cards I reconfirm the position of conflict and hostility in which you are, what we do not have to do is react angry and impulsive, do not you go to the low feelings and anger. You should have the courage and strength to close this story now so unhappy and try to overcome the pain of separation. The first move you have to do is turn your love life dramatically and your habits, quit a stage and begin a long-term new love life. Angela1976 dear, I'll happy birthday. Your little consultation is over.
For your little private consultation or posted on the blog (with discount) write: We offer small astrologominichini@yahoo.it
see low fares on one specific issue. The techniques used are: horary astrology, tarot, geomancy, runes, depending on the request of the client. To see more complex native astrology or based on other disciplines, you can contact me by submitting the case for you, I'll reply with a specific offer custom consulting for you.
Roberto Minichini
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Marcegaglia "He wants to get rid of Berlusconi"
Il sottosegretario alla Difesa Guido Crosetto: "Sa benissimo lei per prima che non esistono possibilita' in questo momento di un governo che possa fare riforme radicali''. E il Giornale la chiama "la maestrina"
ROMA - "Capisco che per Emma Marcegaglia Confindustria and the time is very difficult, Marchionne has been certified by the uselessness'''. Cosi 'Guido Crosetto Undersecretary of Defense, speaking on Radio Popolare, commenting on the interview of a president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, last night at Che tempo che fa.
''Marcegaglia should say what he wants and how he wants it - continues Crosetto - say that in a few weeks you have to make reforms and 'a common refrain with which send messages to its members not to lose weight. She knows she was the first that there is no chance 'in this time of a government that can make radical reforms.''
Il sottosegretario alla Difesa Guido Crosetto: "Sa benissimo lei per prima che non esistono possibilita' in questo momento di un governo che possa fare riforme radicali''. E il Giornale la chiama "la maestrina"
ROMA - "Capisco che per Emma Marcegaglia Confindustria and the time is very difficult, Marchionne has been certified by the uselessness'''. Cosi 'Guido Crosetto Undersecretary of Defense, speaking on Radio Popolare, commenting on the interview of a president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, last night at Che tempo che fa.
''Marcegaglia should say what he wants and how he wants it - continues Crosetto - say that in a few weeks you have to make reforms and 'a common refrain with which send messages to its members not to lose weight. She knows she was the first that there is no chance 'in this time of a government that can make radical reforms.''
Friday, January 28, 2011
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strengthen the fund-saving eye to European states
Before you increase size and scope of the Fund's anti-crisis for the Eurozone "The better." This was stated by Olli Rehn in an interview with Die Welt. "We must come to an agreement as soon as possible on common measures." The relaxation in the markets in recent weeks, "gives us a bit 'air but there is no reason to let go of things, we must act now with determination." Without mention it directly, Rehn pointed the finger at Germany. Main financial contributor to the EU, Berlin did not want to repeat from week to increase the resources of the fund which has already benefited Ireland.
Before you increase size and scope of the Fund's anti-crisis for the Eurozone "The better." This was stated by Olli Rehn in an interview with Die Welt. "We must come to an agreement as soon as possible on common measures." The relaxation in the markets in recent weeks, "gives us a bit 'air but there is no reason to let go of things, we must act now with determination." Without mention it directly, Rehn pointed the finger at Germany. Main financial contributor to the EU, Berlin did not want to repeat from week to increase the resources of the fund which has already benefited Ireland.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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Inflationary pressures in the euro area should be observed carefully. It is the warning that the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Launches Trichet in an interview with the Wall Street Journal in which it urges the central bankers around the world to ensure that current increases in energy prices and food does not take root in the global economy. In this context, it insures, the austerity of public budgets and the supervision of prices are the best encouragement for economic recovery.
"All central banks in times like this where there are threats from commodity inflation - Trichet said - must pay particular attention that there are no carry-over effects on domestic prices."
The sixty-eight French central banker, whose term of eight years at the helm of the central bank European Union expires in October, argued that fiscal discipline would help growth in Europe over renewed stimulus measures and reiterated the invitation to the 17-member euro zone to increase the 'surveillance' on mutual tax policies.
Monday, January 24, 2011
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Euro at the highest for two months. Trichet: keep inflation at bay. Here are the nodes that Europe must loosen
rising inflation. Fund-saving were to be strengthened. € in slope, the highest of the last two months. As uncertainties grow back in Ireland, where it could be used to vote early (before the elections then scheduled for March 11). Is this the photographer that the macroeconomic framework and decision the European Union today, a few hours of the Economic Forum in Davos in the Swiss city.
Major Union leaders have clear what the objectives to be pursued. For the governor of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, you must keep inflation at bay, after a couple of years to break, increased in 2010 largely as a result of commodity prices, which rose due to conditions weather conditions). For the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Olli Rehn is necessary to increase the budget del fondo salva-stati.
rising inflation. Fund-saving were to be strengthened. € in slope, the highest of the last two months. As uncertainties grow back in Ireland, where it could be used to vote early (before the elections then scheduled for March 11). Is this the photographer that the macroeconomic framework and decision the European Union today, a few hours of the Economic Forum in Davos in the Swiss city.
Major Union leaders have clear what the objectives to be pursued. For the governor of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, you must keep inflation at bay, after a couple of years to break, increased in 2010 largely as a result of commodity prices, which rose due to conditions weather conditions). For the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Olli Rehn is necessary to increase the budget del fondo salva-stati.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
My Cervix Is Low,hard, And Open?
Il lettore di Tarocchi Roberto Minichini risponde a Caterina74
Caterina74 Dear, I ask on your eventual membership of a spiritual group connected to an Eastern religion. I've described the details of your story and your desire / hope to be able to find your firm and positive way in the field of meditation and inner purification. You have had several talks with the chief in charge of the group in question, and told me that he has invited you to take the initiative in its path. Now I tell you what I tell the Tarot. The rating rationale against this group is great, you think very well and you are strongly convinced that it can represent a turning point for you, after much searching and wandering. In terms of inner feeling and unconscious perception do you think this is a great fortune and blessing . Your outward behavior towards the spiritual leader of this group is based on effort and commitment, a willingness to please and to be accepted as a worthy and respectable member. Now, I have to disappoint you, because even if the history of the Tarot confirm availability and kindness of the external spiritual leader of the small community of which you speak, on a personal evaluation of the inner he does not think all of you. His perception unconscious / deep to you is very bad, do not like you and find something very unpleasant in you. A rationally judge you in a very critical and aggressive. Overall, the summary of your current relationship is that of a state of coldness critical distance, the apparent incompatibility. If they are not new factors, and different from those present, I tend to conclude that you will not be welcomed or accepted in that group. Keep me informed of developments in your story, if you want.
Roberto Minichini, astrologer and expert in reading the Tarot (astrologominichini@yahoo.it)
Caterina74 Dear, I ask on your eventual membership of a spiritual group connected to an Eastern religion. I've described the details of your story and your desire / hope to be able to find your firm and positive way in the field of meditation and inner purification. You have had several talks with the chief in charge of the group in question, and told me that he has invited you to take the initiative in its path. Now I tell you what I tell the Tarot. The rating rationale against this group is great, you think very well and you are strongly convinced that it can represent a turning point for you, after much searching and wandering. In terms of inner feeling and unconscious perception do you think this is a great fortune and blessing . Your outward behavior towards the spiritual leader of this group is based on effort and commitment, a willingness to please and to be accepted as a worthy and respectable member. Now, I have to disappoint you, because even if the history of the Tarot confirm availability and kindness of the external spiritual leader of the small community of which you speak, on a personal evaluation of the inner he does not think all of you. His perception unconscious / deep to you is very bad, do not like you and find something very unpleasant in you. A rationally judge you in a very critical and aggressive. Overall, the summary of your current relationship is that of a state of coldness critical distance, the apparent incompatibility. If they are not new factors, and different from those present, I tend to conclude that you will not be welcomed or accepted in that group. Keep me informed of developments in your story, if you want.
Roberto Minichini, astrologer and expert in reading the Tarot (astrologominichini@yahoo.it)
Monday, January 17, 2011
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Microconsulti notturni con una carta dei Tarocchi
Alfredo: The case will most likely end up in a fair and just, but not entirely according to your needs and desires, which maybe I'm a bit excessive and unilateral. Keep in mind that mine is not a clear prediction of the future, but the vision of a global trend holds true if you do not change atteggiamento .
Paolo : Qui vedo potenzialità di conflitto ,ostilità , freddezza , è meglio lasciar perdere .
Giuseppina : Grande vittoria per te , successo e molti guadagni !
Costanza : Qui mi sembra che andrà tutto molto male , è meglio che non ti fai illusioni , mi dispiace .
Carla : Solo se agirai velocemente potrai riconquistarlo .
Mario : Dovrai faticare molto , se vorrai avere qualche risultato concreto .
Alessia : Ma si , va bene , fallo pure , stai tranquilla .
Rosalba : Devi tirare fuori tutta la tua creatività ,la tua originalità ,la tua fantasia , e ne hai molta , per trasformare questo guaio in una vicenda a tuo vantaggio. Puoi farcela , ma depressions do not let go, be strong and in the end everything will go very well.
Aisha: Yes, the job has good chance of success, you could make good money.
A Message repeated for all: I do not divine the future with the Tarot, using the symbolism of the cards to sense trends, anything that is seen by me is given a fixed and inevitable, the consultant is personally responsible and its decisions must always exercise their free will. The particulars of the Tarot are like good advice or an assessment very likely, nothing more. I do not answer on the events of the third parties which have not given their consent to the consultation, I answer only to questions that directly relate to the client. Who does not respect these basic principles should not ask me anything and I will not answer me.
Roberto Minichini, astrologer, Tarot reader, geomancer and consultant in the occult (astrologominichini@yahoo.it)
Alfredo: The case will most likely end up in a fair and just, but not entirely according to your needs and desires, which maybe I'm a bit excessive and unilateral. Keep in mind that mine is not a clear prediction of the future, but the vision of a global trend holds true if you do not change atteggiamento .
Paolo : Qui vedo potenzialità di conflitto ,ostilità , freddezza , è meglio lasciar perdere .
Giuseppina : Grande vittoria per te , successo e molti guadagni !
Costanza : Qui mi sembra che andrà tutto molto male , è meglio che non ti fai illusioni , mi dispiace .
Carla : Solo se agirai velocemente potrai riconquistarlo .
Mario : Dovrai faticare molto , se vorrai avere qualche risultato concreto .
Alessia : Ma si , va bene , fallo pure , stai tranquilla .
Rosalba : Devi tirare fuori tutta la tua creatività ,la tua originalità ,la tua fantasia , e ne hai molta , per trasformare questo guaio in una vicenda a tuo vantaggio. Puoi farcela , ma depressions do not let go, be strong and in the end everything will go very well.
Aisha: Yes, the job has good chance of success, you could make good money.
A Message repeated for all: I do not divine the future with the Tarot, using the symbolism of the cards to sense trends, anything that is seen by me is given a fixed and inevitable, the consultant is personally responsible and its decisions must always exercise their free will. The particulars of the Tarot are like good advice or an assessment very likely, nothing more. I do not answer on the events of the third parties which have not given their consent to the consultation, I answer only to questions that directly relate to the client. Who does not respect these basic principles should not ask me anything and I will not answer me.
Roberto Minichini, astrologer, Tarot reader, geomancer and consultant in the occult (astrologominichini@yahoo.it)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
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Brevi novità ed indicazioni per chi mi segue su questo blog
- The blog remains for the time being of different issues, in the near future there will be a blog Astrology and only for a blog just for the occult. Maybe there will be a third dedicated specifically to the Tarot. The articles are being prepared, be patient.
- Many people write me privately and very few make comments on this blog, and I'm sorry, but I know enough to be letto da molti . Ricordatevi che non ho tempo per dare dettagliati consigli bibliografici . Inoltre ho per il momento ho sospeso la consulenza sui talismani astrologici , in quanto ho da studiare e sperimentare ancora molto in prima persona , per almeno qualche mese ancora . Probabilmente in futurò potrò fare delle lezioni di studio teorico/tecnico su questo argomento , ma non seguirò casi individuali specifici .
- Attualmente faccio solo consulti a certe condizioni precise , non mi faccio condizionare dalle molteplici pretese dei consultanti , per poter fare un consulto con me una persona deve essere compatibile con il mio modo di fare e rispettare integralmente la mia metodologia . Non faccio consulti regalati , non faccio consulti ad anonimi , non I consult with people who claim to have three or four in a consult, I always ask copy of your birth and I only see live or by telephone, not later than ninety minutes of time.
- To Francesco di Padova: I'm glad to know that I have proposed that the RSM has brought you great, great satisfaction, I am really happy for you and proud to have you as something beautiful and positive.
- For Aimed Solar (RSM) does not contact me via email, write to the Master Disciple Cyrus on his blog, and it will be answered quickly and for free. I "sewed" RSM only for consultants selected for their professionalism and motivation, and only in a live consultation. They are also available for the RLM (Lunar Revolution, or Monthly) and I've already had several successes in this field. Obviously this is a subject that I do in private with those who have agreed to the proposals I RSM. For the technical and theoretical knowledge of the principles of RSM and RLM, the best thing is to read the books of Master and Disciple Ciro follow the teachings on 'AA (Astrology Activate) on her blog.
- For those who write me messages that insult the teacher Ciro Disciple and deny the validity of his interpretation of the RS: I do not care what you think, you're madmen, forget what you do not like and dedicate yourself to something else, no one run behind. I do not like polemiche e i litigi . Personalmente fra il 2009 e il 2010 ho avuto l'occasione di studiare oltre 160 RS di consultanti a cui ho fatto delle analisi e delle previsioni , e non ho mai sbagliato una sola volta .
Roberto Minichini ( astrologominichini@yahoo.it )
- The blog remains for the time being of different issues, in the near future there will be a blog Astrology and only for a blog just for the occult. Maybe there will be a third dedicated specifically to the Tarot. The articles are being prepared, be patient.
- Many people write me privately and very few make comments on this blog, and I'm sorry, but I know enough to be letto da molti . Ricordatevi che non ho tempo per dare dettagliati consigli bibliografici . Inoltre ho per il momento ho sospeso la consulenza sui talismani astrologici , in quanto ho da studiare e sperimentare ancora molto in prima persona , per almeno qualche mese ancora . Probabilmente in futurò potrò fare delle lezioni di studio teorico/tecnico su questo argomento , ma non seguirò casi individuali specifici .
- Attualmente faccio solo consulti a certe condizioni precise , non mi faccio condizionare dalle molteplici pretese dei consultanti , per poter fare un consulto con me una persona deve essere compatibile con il mio modo di fare e rispettare integralmente la mia metodologia . Non faccio consulti regalati , non faccio consulti ad anonimi , non I consult with people who claim to have three or four in a consult, I always ask copy of your birth and I only see live or by telephone, not later than ninety minutes of time.
- To Francesco di Padova: I'm glad to know that I have proposed that the RSM has brought you great, great satisfaction, I am really happy for you and proud to have you as something beautiful and positive.
- For Aimed Solar (RSM) does not contact me via email, write to the Master Disciple Cyrus on his blog, and it will be answered quickly and for free. I "sewed" RSM only for consultants selected for their professionalism and motivation, and only in a live consultation. They are also available for the RLM (Lunar Revolution, or Monthly) and I've already had several successes in this field. Obviously this is a subject that I do in private with those who have agreed to the proposals I RSM. For the technical and theoretical knowledge of the principles of RSM and RLM, the best thing is to read the books of Master and Disciple Ciro follow the teachings on 'AA (Astrology Activate) on her blog.
- For those who write me messages that insult the teacher Ciro Disciple and deny the validity of his interpretation of the RS: I do not care what you think, you're madmen, forget what you do not like and dedicate yourself to something else, no one run behind. I do not like polemiche e i litigi . Personalmente fra il 2009 e il 2010 ho avuto l'occasione di studiare oltre 160 RS di consultanti a cui ho fatto delle analisi e delle previsioni , e non ho mai sbagliato una sola volta .
Roberto Minichini ( astrologominichini@yahoo.it )
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Nuova Sezione di Protezione Civile a Castroreale!!! - www.clubradiocb.it
Dear friends, I am writing to notify the intention to reconstitute Castroreale a delegation of Civil Protection. Currently I am part of the 'Association " CB Radio Club" of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto which directors has authorized me to disclose news about all this' idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding in the town of Castroreale a section of Civil Defence Recognised by the Presidency of the Region Sicily and by the National Department www.protezionecivile.it Coordinated by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Therefore I invite you to visit our www.clubradiocb.it to see for yourself what we are dealing with and to inspire in you the minimum of interest that is primarily for the good of the City of Castroreale. Finally, I would be grateful if you answered your opinion on giving a 'initiative we intend to carry out and please spread the news to more people, or rather who you think may be interested in. With the hope to receive your feedback I embrace you warmly.
Dear friends, I am writing to notify the intention to reconstitute Castroreale a delegation of Civil Protection. Currently I am part of the 'Association " CB Radio Club" of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto which directors has authorized me to disclose news about all this' idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding in the town of Castroreale a section of Civil Defence Recognised by the Presidency of the Region Sicily and by the National Department www.protezionecivile.it Coordinated by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Therefore I invite you to visit our www.clubradiocb.it to see for yourself what we are dealing with and to inspire in you the minimum of interest that is primarily for the good of the City of Castroreale. Finally, I would be grateful if you answered your opinion on giving a 'initiative we intend to carry out and please spread the news to more people, or rather who you think may be interested in. With the hope to receive your feedback I embrace you warmly.
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