Roberto Minichini legge i Tarocchi per Stella Notturna78 di Bergamo
Notturna78 Dear Stella di Bergamo, I read Tarot cards in recent years that seem to have been very hard for you, the pain was so great, and you now think you are destined to sadness perenne.Ciò is false or, rather, is your attitude of despair, which reinforces the general climate of despair that you have the same domina.Tu big doubts as to your current love story, and I can confirm that the cards do not indicate true love between you, but the only mutual company between two lonely people, who are however very different and distant from each other as soul and carattere.Avete little in common and go forward half-hearted in the absence of alternativa.Lui is still a good person, the prevailing climate of nervousness among you is simply because you incompatibilu infelici.Forse and over time can make u walked together and transform what is a love that does not work in a sincere and affectionate amicizia.Nella your life there are changes coming and you do not have to be afraid of change, even if it scares you is a growing need to unlock your life in any livello.Coltivi you have hopes and ambitions in terms of career, I do not know what do you do, but you seem to have strong creative skills and artistiche.Le cards will study and recommend any improvement in your field, once this is done, you'll see the first results of recognition for your talento.L 'next year will still be a year of meeting new people and do the additional studies or courses, or learn entirely new disciplines TE.MA to tell it was from a astrologer for a free consultation and she told you only very general things and then pretend me.Vedi more precision in this type of art, "reading in the dark" as this that I'm doing now, it can be to force only generica.Per regard astrology, it needs a direct and in-depth interview with the astrologer to work well and in this way proficua.Se astrologer did not this work means that maybe, just maybe, it has made you a good service, or maybe, just maybe, you were too shy and reserved in the explanations and then not allowed to work with you to explain the depth of your astrological symbols . If you want a full consultation with me, then you can do, but you must pay a fee, but in this type of free consultation is necessarily more superficial. In any case, Astrology and Psychics have precise limits and should not expect too much, if you want to grow these subjects with honesty and good senso.Le my cards tell me that you still have you engaged an astrologer surface, an amateur with little education and very little real practice of astrology consulti , e sembra che tu ti sei anche arrabbiata e sentita presa in giro.Ti ripeto : se vuoi un lavoro di qualità devi pagare , la qualità vera costa ed è giusto e normale che sia così.Sorvolo quindi sulle tue considerazioni negative sull'Astrologia , perchè mi sembra di capire che la tua unica esperienza diretta con l'Astrologia , deludente, sia stata soltanto una chiacchierata gratuita con una signora dilettante.I Tarocchi mi dicono che le tue disponobilità economiche sono notevoli e che spendi molto denaro per prodotti di bellezza , palestre ,corsi di vario genere e vacanze.Ti senti colpevole di sprecare troppo denaro in cose futili e dispersive e certe volte ti disprezzi per questo , altre volte invece provi molto piacere nello spendere and feeling of wellbeing after purchase or a fact holiday.We cards tell me that you swing between self-denigration and self-exaltation, periods of great discouragement and pessimism, and periods of euphoria and a little megalomania.Negli last two or three years, however, six for the most part quite depressed and unhappy and the cause must be that you have not made any of your deepest ambitions and think that fate was against you and will remain at the bottom tale.Un major project work must have gone wrong and lost a lot of money, and maybe you've been duped and have also been damaged by members and friends, you have this thrown on the floor and has engaged this long period of despair in which you are still adesso.L 'years last year was particularly tough this year things are already better and the Tarot tell me that next year's trends are ottime.Forza and courage, the future of your career will see a recovery and a rise in your next cycle esistenziale.Le people that have done injustice are not the only people in the world, so do not believe to be the only one to have experienced the ingratitude and meanness, it happens to all, forget, forgive and be morally superior to those who are selfish and insensitive. Meet new people, new friends and you'll see that life goes on, Who is more compatible with you and respect you for più.Da aid esoteric point of view the cards please to cultivate the energies of Venus symbolic and analog and get an astrological talisman venere.Gentile Notturna78 Stella, your free consultation is finito.Ti do many good wishes. Dear Greetings from Robert Minichini
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