Each time for the various festivals that organizations must dispose of a number of paperwork to get permission to perform them, the program had to have the imprimatur of a teacher than anything else in the area had not the slightest responsibility, plus the means available to us were somewhat obsolete (a VHS and a shabby old TV 60 inches or so) to another available only in a classroom whose use was limited from 18.30 to 20.30 because of previous lessons that took place there and the janitors who ended the time of service. Yes, we were forced to choose films for more than two hours ... we were not a large group, and usually does not take long to choose the film (because we had procurarceli us at our expense, of course). The right does not ripped a penny. The purpose of the film club was spread film culture.
For me it was a unique opportunity to see works that did not know and discover the authors of which up to then had only heard about. I have good memories of those shows. They helped me understand the film, to form my taste, a critical sense. And then film helps to dream, to understand the reality, to discover who we are and where we go. For those who wrote the film (good film) is crucial .
Once out of college, after graduation, the film club closed its doors, despite the projections were not always popular with students found to be involved to continue the initiative after us.
With the advent of reform and of "luminous signs that attract fools" the reviews started to be organized by the faculty, with appropriate means (digital projectors, big screen) but without a soul, so for educational purposes only, and often without logic design.
However, during those reviews found for example Luis Buñuel e mi appassionai al suo cinema. Pellicole come I figli della violenza , Estasi di un delitto , Nazarin, Viridiana , L'angelo sterminatore , Simon del deserto, fino a Bella di giorno , Il fascino discreto della borghesia e Quell'oscuro oggetto del desiderio mi hanno suggestionato parecchio, a esse sono tornato negli anni più volte per rintracciare qualcosa che ancora mi sfuggiva.
Il respiro antiborghese, l'anticlericalismo e la vena surreale del cinema di Luis Buñuel mi hanno ispirato più di qualche idea. Per dire che il cinema racconta la realtà, ti spinge a comprendere e poi a tua volta a raccontare le cose dal tuo punto di vista. Nel nuovo fumetto ci sono state delle sequenze surrealiste che mi hanno aiutato a scrivere le tavole in maniera più efficace. Non so, oggi me ne sono ricordato, tutto qua.
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