Friday, September 24, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Lag On Desmume

L'astrologo Roberto Minichini parla dell'Astrologia Oraria

L 'Horary Astrology Astrology is a form that defies any attempt to make "scientific" or "statistics", but it works quite simply awesome and meravigliosa.Espresso
its mechanism is to ask a question, honest and important, then turn it clockwise astrologer, who draws up a horoscope "birth" to that question and interpreta.In astrological chart based on the received answers the question asked by consultante.L 'Horary Astrology is not easy to learn, there definitely a good experience and want someone to send the early foundations of this art very antica.Il how one interprets the horoscope of hourly demand is different from the rules concerning astrology Christmas, in particular the interpretation of the theme Radix.E 'certainly very important to follow the traditional rules of astrology when interpreting a horoscope zone, we must be faithful to the medieval and Renaissance art school, every modern innovation is rejected as baseless falsification of this noble arte.Personalmente I had the opportunity to analyze and interpret hundreds of requests per hour and I am absolutely convinced that this system works and is very effective in responding to questions in a clear and detailed specifiche.Ci were and failures (they are around 12% -15%), they are due, in addition to a misinterpretation of the astrologer (a una lettura successiva a fatti avvenuti , l'oroscopo comunque , se fosse stato interpretato in modo corretto , rifletteva la risposta giusta ), quasi sempre al fatto che il consultante non abbia formulato chiaramente la domanda ,che non sia stato del tutto sincero nel farla , che non abbia avuto un grande ed estremo interesse alla questione.Questa ultima condizione รจ molto importante , si possono fare solo le domande che riguardano direttamente da vicino e che sono veramente molto importanti per noi.L'oroscopo per la domanda oraria viene steso per il momento e il luogo in cui l'astrologo la riceve , la domanda "nasce" , viene "partorita" , quando viene fatta al'astrologo.Conta solo la risposta data la prima volta che la domanda viene fatta , non can refer the application going by another astrologer or doing the same application at the same astrologer, and maybe lend him a different answer, more in keeping with the wishes of the case instead consultante.Nel the starting conditions were completely changed, or had spent some time time of at least six months, you can repeat the questions, but preferably not modified and modeled on Horary astrology prima.Le responses are generally very short and sharp, in some cases, however, is not so, depends very much on situazione.Sia clear that we must not ask questions to abuse of hourly, not a gioco.Le answers come out wrong if you do not really ask questions and urgent necessarie.L 'astrologer same time applications can not be alone, but should consult a colleague if he needed to have a risposta.Almeno so is recommended in several traditional manual, although not all authors are unanimous in riguardo.Un astrologer time has personal needs on average at most one or two responses per hour per year, and the vast majority of it is still meno.La serious about asking questions should be absolute, this is a rule ferrea.Una other thing to note is that Horary Astrology can also opt out to give answers, there are clear indicators about the horoscope orario.In this case, the astrologer must warn the client that you can not answer the question or that he The must radically alter or who can do another. Personally, following the example of some practical knowledge of experts in the field, I keep these factors in disabling the answer, but in some cases minor warn the consultant and proceed to give the same answer, the general framework for interpreting the horoscope. In most cases the answer is a bit far from or diverted from the exact truth, but basically precisa.Per regarding the Horary Astrology, it is necessary to look to the whole astral chart, but you only look at the means relevant to the topic of direct domanda.Bisogna but warn of another thing: there are only references who tell us that the horoscope can not answer the question, there are also specific issues that they say that the client will not accept the response of the astrologer or react badly to what he tells the astrologer or quarrel coll'astrologo. In these some cases give the same answer, however, confident that time will give reason, others prefer to tell the client not to answer the question, not wanting to waste time in discussions inutili.Personalmente try to assess if my party is more or less reasonable person, quiet, polite, calm and with a sense of impartiality and giustizia.Siccome is often not easy to assess at the time, when in doubt, tell the truth anyway horoscope, remaining indifferent to the reaction of consulting, relying on the fact that people are biased and often lie, but the stars do not really mai.Il time factor then eventually agrees to astrology, and the majority of angry customers and protesters during the response, has the honesty to admit in retrospect, with a sense of wonder and sgomento.L 'Horary Astrology as such was not part of Hellenistic astrology, but it was imported to Europe coming from the Arab-Muslim countries during middle age, from about the twelfth century and oltre.E 'was for centuries the most widely practiced form of astrology by astrologers, also because at that time very few knew their exact time of birth, many do not even know the date or the exact year, and then astrology Christmas was reserved for a limited number of users, even for a matter of costs, which then were remarkable, but today very modesti.Con the advent of the Enlightenment and the consequent rationalism, positivism and scientism, astrology has seen a sharp decline in Europe, unless reborn in the late nineteenth century in Great Brittany.The 'modern astrology, however, has long wanted to show under As a "scientific" or the hood, using a highly lingiaggio psychological and based on empirical studies and statistiche.E 'only in the last two or three decades that the Horary Astrology is being revived and is now increasingly better known and recognized by an audience of scholars and users increasingly broad.

Roberto Minichini, professional astrologer (


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