Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cubefield The Last Level

Roberto Minichini è un astrologo professionista

I am a professional astrologer, please write to me then that those who take into account that you can not have free consultation and to have a consultation fee must be given all data and necessary under the tax legge.Non respond more to those who did not sign with name and surname from the start and even those who are not really serious about a full consultation.
My astrological services are as follows:
1) Analysis of the natal chart
2) Analysis and esoteric spiritual Christmas Theme
3) Compatibility of torque (love, business, friendship, partners, etc.)
4) Date of Elective Astrology (in that period, day, hour is better to start a project or initiative, etc.).
5 ) Analysis of transits and progressions (for six months or a year)
6) Analysis of the annual Solar Return and Lunar Revolutions monthly
7) Application specific Horary Astrology (answers to all questions that pertain to you directly or closely )

to agree on pricing, payment methods and consulting, esponetemi your case and you want to know and I will respond with a proposal made tailor-made for you.

Roberto Minichini (


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