Friday, July 9, 2010

Sorority White Underwear Initiation

Ancora qualche notizia sui Tarocchi

- Durante un consulto astrologico è possibile un'interazione fra astrologia pura e l'arte della cartomanzia.L'astrologia è un linguaggio di simboli generali che
possono essere illuminati a fondo con l'uso Tarot.
- The Tarot can be questioned about the make or choose what is the best option in a question.
- The Tarot does not indicate a secure future in a fixed and determined, but the likely tendencies at present, which can be changed if we change our attitude
or basic conditions.
- The Tarot can serve as a counselor at both logical and emotional as well as information to the more esoteric and spiritual solutions.
- It 's necessary respect for the Tarot by the consultant, they do not respond to those who have a negative or skeptical prevention against them.
do not see a psychic for fun or to prove something you or someone altro.Che your ego is sincere and open a dialogue faterno and benevolent.
- You can build small personal talismans with the information received from the Tarot.
- One paper of Tartocchi if given as a basis for meditation on a story, question or problem, can have an infinite number of meanings that appear before us and enlighten us.
- It 's better not to answer questions and seek instead the mundane divination significantly higher and noble on important issues that the Tarot can give us.
- The Tarot is essentially a spirit, though sometimes the friendship of the Tarot you need to ask the friendship of this Spirit.
- The purification rituals of esoteric cards Tarocchi prima e dopo il loro consulto , hanno come ragione sia il rispetto spirituale nei confronti del mezzo che si usa , sia la creazione e il rafforzamento del rapporto con il piano dell'universo occulto di cui i Tarocchi fanno parte.

Roberto Minichini , astrologo professionista , geomante ,studioso dei Tarocchi ( )


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