La pratica dell'astrologia professionale
- Lo studio dell'astrologia richiede molta pratica concreta di consulti fatti alle persone e il misurarsi sui risultati reali delle proprie analisi e deduzioni.Solo così si impara il linguaggio dell'astrologia.
- Un astrologo è capace di prevedere con sufficiente esatezza le tipologie di periodi esistenziali positivi e negativi , e i settori che molto probabilmente saranno in primo piano nelle varie fasi.Generalmente non è affatto possibile vedere dettagli o avvenimenti certi e quindi sta alla saggezza del consultante di utilizzare in maniera utile le informazioni ricevute , le quali risultano comunque quasi sempre precise.
- Non condivido la teoria ottimista , insegnata da certe scuole di astrologia moderna , la quale nega l'esistenza di aspetti e configurazioni negative o disarmoniche.Quello che posso ammettere è che in molti casi le configuarazioni possono essere vissute ed affrontate in modalità different, and often fails to help a person with very fair astrological advice.
- There is no single astrology, but many different astrologie.Chi thinks astrology as a form of dogmatic fixed form they're wrong and it is also ignorant about the origins and history of astrology. There is nothing wrong with pluralism and eclecticism, and there is nothing wrong even to follow a clear path down, but the important thing is to avoid a sectarian mentality and totalitarian.
- Often important astrological information and fair They come from some consultants met with indifference or even ostilità.Tale phenomenon is widespread and it is best to avoid Prosegur to consult with people not compatible with the astrologer. Experience has taught me that it is useless to insist on a consultation and then asks who is already known, or so it seems from the behavior, all that has come to ask. Among the consulting astrologer and it takes mutual respect and empathy, otherwise it is completely useless waste of time.
- When an astrologer is required to consult the compatibility of couples or a question hour on a romantic relationship, the consultant generally does not seek the truth, but confirmation of its decisions and its desideri.L 'astrologer must answer questions and not to bow to the demands of different responses from those who do not accept their volontà.Per this is a good idea to reiterate
the concept that if you have questions like the consultant must be truly ready to accept any response and not only that he wants.
- I is not never seen a chart did not reflect the character and destiny of a data persona.Se birth data are accurate, then the chart is the general map within which moves the existence of a individuo.Sia Clearly, you see only the general plan and specific details and events are (almost) never. For this we need a frank dialogue with the astrologer during the analysis of the topic in depth natale.Per interpret the specific meaning of astrological symbols for that specific person, you need a job hermeneutics which consists of the synthesis between symbol and real existence raccontata.Lo aim of the analysis of the chart is not to put to the test in the astrologer tell us what we already know, but let us explain exactly our limitations and our existential possibilities and understand the deep because of certain dynamic constants of our lives.
- astrology forecast use transits, secondary progressions and solar revolutions lunari.Integro and consultancy advice on how to address certain planetary configuarazioni cicliche.Spesso states ch happens many times that transits, or progressions, or revolutions solar do not always effect and that predictions based on these techniques si possono rivelare almeno parzialmente sbagliate.Nella mia esperienza ciò non è affatto vero , in oltre novanta per cento dei casi i cicli planetari riflettono la vita reale in corso , le analisi sul passato si rivelano esatte e le deduzioni sulle fasi future si avverano.
Il problema casomai può nascere da un errore dell'interpretazione dei simboli o dalla valutazione diversa degli avvenimenti.
Roberto Minichini , astrologo professionista ( )
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