Non ci sono parole per esprimere l'amarezza, la tristezza e l'impotenza dei cittadini di Castroreale di fronte ad una simile catastrofe. E' ovvio che ormai tornare indietro è cosa impossibile ma è pur vero che l'indifferenza, la superficialità, la disattenzione e la consapevolezza di quello che si è fatto ha dato oggi un unico risultato: Castroreale non ha più la sua piazza o meglio quella che la caratterizzava per il suo valore storico.
Oggi ci ritroviamo una piazza oscena , insignificante e priva di qualsiasi significato .
Many of us have had the honor and pleasure to live as it once was, still remembering the old worn boulders as evidence of their elapsed time.
We apologize to all that remains is the younger, future generations who have not and will not be able to admire "their old square" but should simply look at a simple picture it through that just as we admire with the melancholy old staircase of Palazzo hoard ( Another disaster ). From Military
citizens we apologize to all those who have been deprived of a beauty now lost, perhaps aware that they were careless and perhaps impotent in the face of this shame brought forward against the entire community.
that remains is to leave you with these considerations in the hope that "the history assaults " cease once and for all that this episode may serve to open your eyes once and for all. Piazza Duomo Farewell, will always be in our memories ..
We thank the person who suggested this topic.
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