Sunday, May 17, 2009

Does Great Clips Color

Find a job in Thailand - Working in Thailand

Today I present to you three sites that I appear to be quite useful for those seeking work in Thailand .

course are written in Thai and English , but the research seems quite simple.

the first seems to be the richest and ad is: JOBTHAI.COM

the second most amateurs: JOMTOPGUN.COM

the third, JOBJOB

Good luck!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

80s Basketball Shorts

buy or rent houses, apartments and villas in Thailand

I must point out this site in English, but easy to approach, accomasia , where you will find many proposals for rent and sale of property throughout the to Thailand.

The site is very nice especially with regard to the description of the houses. Full of photos and information.

For anyone who is considering moving to Thailand for a period of short-or long-term strongly advise you to give us a look.